Monday, June 30, 2008

crochet ornament covers

Crochet is derived from the French word croc or croche, meaning hook. A simple project that lends itself to a variety of bold colors and various patterns, the crochet scarf has marked the foray into the world of crochet for many just picking up hook and yarn.

I assure you that I was not as big a loser as it might make me sound though. Not to mention the quality for experienced crochet hobbyist comes out looking better than anything you could buy in the department store. Cebelia yarn is designed for making tablecloths, napkins, table runners, cushion covers, curtains and many other items.

You can do a simple, solid pattern, mix it up, or even add some pattern designs throughout. In many cases, you can even find a schedule of classes where experts in simple crochet can teach you the basics. This information is especially beneficial to the beginner who needs to familiarize herself with the crochet market.

I find it very relaxing, a great stress reliever. I hope this information has been helpful to you in making your decision to take up crochet as a hobby.

free crochet afgan patterns for children - crochet 101

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