Saturday, July 5, 2008

baby afghan double crochet

If you are just beginning I would recommend a medium weight yarn, a basic four-ply yarn of good quality. Do you need it to be a basic crochet for a quick project?

The first thing to consider is the type of hooks or hooks you'll be using. If you don't want to end up with your sleeves a different shade to your body, make sure all of the batch numbers on the balls you buy are the same. We ve had some real success at crochet and made some beautiful projects, even successfully tried our hand at more complicated patterns.

If you are really and truly not interested in a dishcloth, then try making small bookmarks. In many cases, you can even find a schedule of classes where experts in simple crochet can teach you the basics. If you don't know how to read a crochet pattern, enlist the help of someone who does.

Browse through the books to find one that is most user-friendly for you. You can crochet straight forward items almost immediately and once you ve mastered the basics you can go onto the more complicated patterns when you fancy a challenge.

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