Monday, July 7, 2008

crochet cotton hat pattern

Crochet is derived from the French word croc or croche, meaning hook. Many older women do seem to have an innate ability to crochet, simply because it was a tradition handed down from generation to generation.

Granny squares have been made into everything from large afghans to tiny doll sweaters and everything in between. First and foremost, learning how to crochet a dress can save you enormous amount of money in the stores. If you re using a book for instruction, you can take the illustrations to a copiers and ask them to make transfer image copies.

The possibilities are endless for as long as creativity in terms of designing patterns does not run out. Afghan hooks are used for specialized crochet projects, and they allow you to hold many stitches on your hook. For those who love the art of crochet, they are often more than happy to assist others in getting started.

You can crochet straight forward items almost immediately and once you ve mastered the basics you can go onto the more complicated patterns when you fancy a challenge. Learn to crochet and you ll discover a passion that you ll have for a lifetime.

crochet baby sweater pattern - the way that grandma used to do it. free easy crochet baby blanket patterns the nuts and bolts.

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